Astronomy & astrophysics preprints & abstracts
ApJ Yellow Pages
The titles, authors, dates of submission, and sources for preprints
for manuscripts submitted to eight North American journals are automatically
included in the Yellow Pages of the ApJ (Part 1)
unless the authors opt (upon submission) not to have that
material published for their papers. Or they can opt to
have the titles, authors and submission dates published but make
preprints " not available."
Armagh Observatory Preprint Series
Astronomical Dep. of University Of Thessaloniki
Astrophysics Data System
( ADS )
The ADS is a free software aimed at the Astrophysics
community. It is a distributed environment that provides access to
a variety of astronomical data for the scientific user community.
At present the main emphasis is on making data collected
by NASA space missions available to astronomers. This is being
expanded to include access to data from ground based observations.
The ADS provides access to over 190 astronomical catalogs and
approximately 125,000 astronomical abstracts. It also provides direct access to
the HEASARC Browse tool, NSSDC's Online Data and Information Service
(NODIS), the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), and access to SIMBAD
(Set of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data). The
user is able to access all of this information via
a simple-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI). Simply " point and
click" to retrieve the information you need for proposals, research
projects, or classroom assignments.
Australia Telescope National Facility - Preprints
Full text of current preprints from the Australia Telescope
National Facility.
Catania Astrophysical Observatory
( OAC )
Daily solar images (chromosphere and photosphere)
Centro de Astrofisica
This is the Home Page of The Astrophysics Research Center
at the University of Porto, providing general information
on people and their research.
CERN Preprint Server
It started in January 1994 so that you will not
find here preprints produced before this date.
The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
CERN Preprint Server
CERN Preprint Server
EROS Experiment
In this (still experimental) server you may find general informations
as well as the latest publications/preprints from the EROS
Our main topic is the search for microlensing
amplification of
the luminosities of LMC/SMC stars.
ESO Preprints Database
( Bibliographic catalogue )
The catalogue of preprints available from the ESO Library includes
entries from institutes world-wide.
ESO Publications
Includes access to ESO Messenger, ESO Scientific and Technical Reports
Groupe de recherche en Astrophysique de l'Universite Laval
Groupe de Recherche en Astrophysique de l'Université
Laval. Bilingual
(French/English). Description of research projects. Science with HST.
galery. Individual members. Recent publications (with postcript files available
on-line). Links with other astronomical resources.
( the International Journal of Solar System Studies )
ICARUS is the official publication of Division of Planetary Sciences
and is dedicated to reporting the results of new research--
observational, experimental, or theoretical-- concerning the astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics,
chemistry, biology, and other scientific aspects of our solar system
or extrasolar systems. It is published monthly by Academic Press,
Inc. Of primary interest to researchers is the list of
papers submitted to Icarus, similar to the Astrophysical Journal's "
yellow pages." We plan on updating this list every 4-6
weeks. This server also contains information for authors planning to
submit papers to Icarus and subscription information.
Imperial College, University of London - Theory Group: Preprints
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
( IAP )
Institute for Astrophysics Laboratory of CNRS (National Science Research Center
in France), Paris France.
Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics: Preprints
IoA Cambridge preprints
WAIS index to astronomy and astrophyics preprints received at the
Institute of Astronomy (IoA) Cambridge, UK
Iowa State University - Astronomy Program: Preprints
( ISU )
Leeds University - Astrophysics Group: Preprints
Los Alamos National Laboratory - Theoretical Astrophysics
Lund Observatory: Preprints
a list of recent preprints published by astronomers at Lund
McMaster University - Astronomy and Astrophysics: Preprints
Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories: Preprints
MPA Binaries Group: Preprints
MPA Galaxy Formation Group: Preprints
MPA Gravitational Lensing Group: Preprints
Myung-Hyun Rhee's PhD Thesis
( rhee-PhD-thesis )
Myung-Hyun Rhee's Ph.D. Thesis On-Line (Kapteyn Institute)
National Institute of Space Research - Astrophysics Division: Preprints
( INPE - DAS, Brazil )
New Mexico State Univ Astronomy Preprints
( NMSU )
Newsletter for Galactic Center Research
GCNEWS is a bi-monthly Newsletter dedicated to research
dealing with
the center of the Galaxy. The Newsletter
contains abstracts to
recently submitted papers with
links to electronic preprints, a short
invited article,
and misc. announcements/conferences/job offer etc. In
addition to
the Newsletter a weekly Newsflash service
distributes recently submitted article
by emails. The
electronic version of GCNEWS (HTML/PS) is
available online,
as are the most recently submitted abstracts and
On the web-page you will find the Galactic Center
White Pages-
a listing of people working in this field.
NOAO preprints
NovaWeb: The Nova Server
The Nova Server is a resource for professional and amateur
astronomers interested in the fields of novae, supernovae, other cataclysmic
variables, stellar evolution, gaseous nebulae, and/or Astrophysics in general. It
includes a mailing list archive, related software, data and preprints.
Please drop by!
NRAO RAPs (WAIS-search)
NRAO-RAPS is a bibliographic listing of astronomy and astrophysics preprints
received in the Charlottesville library of the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory from 1986 forward. The preprints include papers submitted to
scientific and technical journals and to appear in meeting proceedings;
they cover observational, experimental, theoretical, review, instrumentation, image processing, and
computing topics in a wide range of astronomical subdisciplines. Preprints
include work by NRAO authors as well as preprints received
from authors and institutions world-wide. On 1 May 93 there
were 13,000 records in the database, and in 1992 we
received and added records for 2,500 preprints. Citations are added
as papers are published. The database is updated biweekly. The
listing is meant to serve as an alerting service only;
the NRAO library does NOT copy or distribute the preprints
listed. The institution codes indicate either the
source from which NRAO received the preprint or the affiliation
of the preprint's authors.
NRAO-RAPS (WWW): preprints
Observatório Nacional, Brazil: Preprints
Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna: Preprints
Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo " Giuseppe S. Vaiana" : Preprints
Peter Tribble's Papers
Peter Tribble has converted some of his preprints into hypertext
form. In addition, permission has been obtained to make his
papers published in Monthly Notices available. (Note that the published
papers are copyrighted and this is something of an experiment,
so that some feedback would be appreciated.)
Phase-diverse speckle reconstruction of solar data
( PDS )
Award-winning paper: " Phase-diverse speckle reconstruction of solar data," by
John H. Seldin and Richard G. Paxman, Environmental Research Institute
of Michigan. --ABSTRACT-- Phase-diverse speckle imaging is a novel imaging
modality that makes use of both speckle-imaging and phase-diversity concepts.
A phase-diverse speckle data set consists of one conventional image
and at least one additional image with known phase diversity
for each of multiple atmospheric phase realizations. We demonstrate the
use of a phase-diverse speckle data set collected at the
Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope on La Palma to overcome the
effects of atmospheric turbulence and to restore a fine-resolution image
of solar granulation. We present preliminary results of simultaneously reconstructing
an object and a sequence of atmospheric phase aberrations from
these data using a maximum-likelihood parameter-estimation framework. The consistency of
the reconstructions is demonstrated using subsets of the sequence of
images pairs.
Preprints of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
Preprints of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
Princeton Observatory: Preprints
Princeton University - Astrophysics Library
Princeton University - Pulsar Group
The home page of the pulsar research group in the
department of physics of Princeton University, this site includes pointers
to the home pages of group members, a collection of
pulsar related resources and pointers to our supported data analysis
software (including TEMPO), and links to radio astronomy observatories and
related sites.
Radio Pulsar Resources
A unified collection of
information and pointers of interest to radio pulsar researchers. Resources
include pointers to group and individual home pages, radio telescope
home pages and telescope schedules, and pulsar related preprints and
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
( RASC )
The beginnings of "The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada" (RASC)
go back to the middle of the
nineteenth century. The
Society was incorporated within the province of Ontario in 1890,
received its
Royal Charter from King Edward VII in 1903,
and was federally incorporated in 1968.
The National Office
of the Society is located at 136 Dupont Street, Toronto,
ON, M5R 1V2, telephone
(416) 924-7973, e-mail The business
office and library are housed
Royal Astronomical Society
( RAS )
The Royal Astronomical Society was founded in the year 1820
and received the grant of a Royal
Charter in 1831.
The Society's aims are "the encouragement and promotion of astronomy
geophysics." The main functions are to publish the results
of astronomical and geophysical research, to
maintain as complete a
library as possible in these subjects and to hold meetings,
in London and
elsewhere, at which astronomical and geophysical matters
can be discussed.
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh: Preprints
Sac Peak Preprint Library
SISSA received astrophysical preprints
This is the " astro-ph" astrophysics preprints server at SISSA (Trieste). Use the Los Alamos
Archive from North America !
Space Mechanics Group Home Page
( Space Mechanics Group - Pisa )
Space Mechanics Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, ITALY.
This home page gives access to: People (personal home pages)
Resarch projects (subject home pages) Publications lists Data bases: asteroid
proper elements (ftp server) Announcements of meetings We belong to
European Asteroid Research Node Related information - pointers to other
groups A preprint facility is in preparation A practical information
facility (how to reach us, etc.) is in preparation
Space Telescope Science Institute
( STScI )
STScI is responsible for the scientific operations of the Hubble
Space Telescope (HST). STScI is operated by Associated Universities for
Research in Astronomy (AURA) under contract to NASA.
Stanford Public Information REtrieval System
A variety of SLAC's databases of interest to high-energy physics
community is now made available via WWW, including: Preprints: HEP preprint database. Contains bibliographic summaries of more than 280,000
particle physics papers. Included are preprints, journal articles, technical reports,
thesis, etc. Searchable by author, title, report number, institution, collaboration,
and more. Find citations of your favorite author or article.
View full postscript versions of selected preprints, read abstracts of
bulletin-board papers. Need more help? Abstracts: Bulletin boards abstracts
database. Useful in searching for recent physics bulletin board articles
not yet covered by the HEP database. Find abstracts (and
more!) of the articles posted today, yesterday, in
the last seven days, week before that, or
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn
Observations mainly in the optical spectral range are used for
galactic and extragalactic research. The Sternwarte operates the Observatorium Hoher
List about 100 km from Bonn.
Sterrewacht Leiden: Preprints
Stockholm Observatory
STScI 'STEP' Preprint Database
The information includes: Authors, Title, Journal. STScI-STEP is a bibliographic
listing of astronomy and astrophysics preprints received at the Space
Telescope Science Institute Library during the last two years, including
all HST papers in the refereed literature. The preprints include
papers submitted to scientific and technical journals and to appear
in meeting proceedings; they cover observational, experimental, theoretical, review, instrumentation,
image processing, and computing topics in a wide range of
astronomical subdisciplines. Preprints include work by ST ScI authors as
well as preprints received from authors and institutions world-wide. At
any one time, there are approximately 5000 papers in the
database, with some 2500 being added each year. Citations are
added as papers are published. The database is updated weekly.
STScI authored preprints
( Gopher, searchable )
STScI Old Preprint Database
The information includes: Authors, Title, Journal. STScI-OLDSTEP is a bibliographic
listing of astronomy and astrophysics preprints received at the Space
Telescope Science Institute Library prior to the last two years
(current papers are in STScI-STEP). OLDSTEP includes approximately 14,000 papers
with citations, with some 2500 being added each year. The
database is updated annually. The ST ScI Library will not
provide copies of either preprints or reprints of papers listed
in STScI-OLDSTEP. Contact the authors for copies, or see your
librarian about obtaining copies of papers published in meetings or
journals not available in your local library.
The Net Advance of Physics
( NetAdvPhys )
Online encyclopaedia of physics/astrophysics; includes most review papers in the
Los Alamos preprint base catalogued by subject. Will someday hopefully
be a complete subject-index to online physics and astrophysics literature.
Theoretical Nuclear/Particle Physics and Astrophysics Group
( tNPA Uni Basel )
This is Quasar, the server of the theoretical
Nuclear/Particle Physics
and Astrophysics groups at the
Dept. of Physics of the
of Basel, Switzerland.
The server offers information on
people, research topics,
publications, and teaching as well as personal
home pages
and preprints. Research topics in astrophysics include nucleosynthesis,
type I and II supernovae, nuclear astrophysics, nuclear
physics far
from stability, neutrino physics; other research
interests are atomic physics
and chaos. (For a full list,
take a look at
the server)!
UMIST Astrophysics Group
The page contains general information about the group, and has
pointers to pages with local preprints, information about the UMIST
rate file of astrophysical chemical reactions, information about the 'Shocks
in Astrophysics' meeting, as well as pointers useful pages in
other places.
Università di Roma " Tor Vergata" Astrophysics: Preprints
Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen - Preprints
Universiteit Utrecht - Sterrenkundig Instituut: Preprints
University of Adelaide - Astrophysics Group: Preprints
University of Alabama - Department of Physics and Astronomy: Preprints
University of Amsterdam - Astronomical Institute: Preprints
University of California, Berkeley - Astronomy Department
( UCB-Astronomy )
The UCB Astronomy Home Page contains general information about the
department. We maintain links for faculty, staff, post docs and
students so that they may make papers, images, and other
information available. Also included are an e-mail directory for the
department, and links to related institutions.
University of California, Irvine - Department of Physics
( UCI )
University of California, Riverside - High Energy Astrophysics
( UCR )
Information on current research in High Energy Astrophysics being conducted
at the University of California, Riverside.
University of Manchester - Astronomy Group: Preprints
University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Department of Astronomy: Preprints
( Star Formation and Theory Group Preprints )
Abstracts and full text preprints of accepted papers from the
Star Formation and Theory groups at the University of Massachusetts
Astronomy Program.
University of Pittsburgh - Relativity Group: Preprints
University of Southampton - Astronomy Group: Preprints
( online abstracts and copies of recent papers )
University of Sussex Astronomy Department
Contains information on the
department: people, research groups, courses. Also has available to download
copies of recent (last 12 months) publications and preprints.
University of Texas, Austin - ISM Group: Preprints
University of Victoria Astronomy
This is the Home Page of the Astronomy Group at
the University of Victoria. It contains information on faculty, graduate
students and research associates. Research activities and facilities are described.
In addition, a selection of electronic preprints written by members
of the Group is also available.
University of Virginia: Preprints
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Astronomy Department: Preprints
X-Ray Group at IoA Cambridge UK
Home page of the X-Ray Astronomy Group
at the
Instittue of Astronomy, University of Cambridge. This
provides information on the Group's research activities and links
to other useful astronomical WWW sites.
- e-Print archive
Contains preprints for: High Energy Physics - Theory, High Energy
Physics - Lattice, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, Astrophysics, Condensed
Matter Theory, General Relativity & Quantum Cosmology, Nuclear Theory, High
Energy Physics - Experiment
Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli